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Reconciliation SA

Building Relationships. Building Respect.

Building respectful relationships between Aboriginal people and the wider South Australian community.


Ngadlu tampinthi Kaurna miyurna yaitya yarta-mathanya Wama.

Tarntanyaku, ngadluku piipawarpulayi kuu Kaurna yartangka tikanthi.


We acknowledge the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains as the traditional owners of the land on which our office sits.

We pay our respect to all First Nations cultures, and to Elders past and present. 

We recognise that this land was never ceded or surrendered by the Traditional Owners and acknowledge the continuing connection to land, waters, and community since the first sunrise.


About Us

Reconciliation SA are a not-for-profit community and member-based organisation providing advocacy, support and leadership to people and organisations driving the reconciliation movement across South Australia.   

Our Vision is for a reconciled and just South Australia that understands, values and actively supports the inclusion of First Nations people in all aspects of life.

We invite you to join us to create meaningful and lasting reconciliation, for the good of all South Australians. 

Let Us Guide Your Journey

Our training and services are focused on creating awareness and building understanding to ensure your Reconciliation journey is purposeful and reflects the most up to date information. 


Broaden Your Understanding

We have a wide range of resources and content to support learning and guide you to stay informed and updated on issues important to our States Reconciliation movement.


Take Action on Reconciliation

There are many different ways you can contribute, including starting a RAP, becoming a member, and actively showing your support.



Walk with Us

Support reconciliation by becoming an Individual Member or an organisation, business or Corporate Partner of Reconciliation SA

Walk with Us

We have five types of memberships for individuals, educators, businesses and corporates. Joining Reconciliation SA means you're committed to action. 


Our Logo

Our Logo represents the five dimensions of reconciliation, Unity, Race Relations, Equality and Equity, Historical Acceptance, and Institutional Integrity and our vision and purpose as an organisation.

The large pink dot in the centre represents Unity, signifying that Reconciliation South Australia values and recognises First Nations culture and heritage as a proud part of shared identity. The smaller pink dots in the logo represent Race Relations between First Nations and Non-Indigenous people based on trust, respect and freedom from racism. Swirling around the outside of these elements are blue and red swirls representing Equality and Equity, demonstrating the range of equal participation in the life opportunities Reconciliation South Australia will advocate for, recognise and uphold.

Surrounding Unity is a large red circle representing Historical Acceptance. Through Reconciliation South Australia speaking the truth, it signifies the importance of acknowledging and addressing historical truths by accepting the wrongs of the past and ensuring these wrongs aren’t repeated. The purple swirl on top represents Institutional Integrity, showing our active support of reconciliation of South Australia’s political, business and community structures.

The black symbolic map of South Australia represents where our stakeholders and partners are located across the state, demonstrating the reach and scope of our work. The overall design reaches outside the state boundary and into the waters, reflecting First Nations culture and communities reach beyond our State and are connected to a time rich in history and culture.

Logo design by

Yorta Yorta Artist Karen Briggs of KLB Creative.

Our Sponsors

We are proud to represent and work alongside our valued sponsors, without whom the work we do would not be possible.

Our Artwork:

Resilience For Reconciliation

Created by Eastern Arrernte Artist Pat Caruso of We Create Print Deliver.

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