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Building Relationships. Building Respect.

Building respectful relationships between Aboriginal people and the wider Australian community.



Learn about Reconciliation.

What is Reconciliation?


Reconciliation is about building respectful relationships between Aboriginal people and the South Australian community for the benefit of all. It is an ongoing journey for all of us and a process underpinned in values that define an inclusive and respectful society. 


Why Reconciliation

Reconciliation is a process to bring people together, to recognise the truth of colonial impact, and to acknowledge and address the ongoing impacts on First Nations people, Culture and identity. 

Reconciliation is a choice for understanding, change and growth. It is better understood as a journey of listening, self-examination and learning, and ultimately, acting in ways that acknowledges the injustices of the past. 

Reconciliation is an opportunity to celebrate our rich cultural history, and a connection to an ancient culture that defines Australia as a country that embraces diversity. 

Reconciliation is defined by five interrelated dimensions to guide a way forward. 

Dimensions of Reconciliation

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RecSA_Dimension_Equality & Equity
RecSA_Dimension_Race Relations

Institutional Integrity

We seek a State where the principles of reconciliation underpin political, business and community structures.

Equality and Equity

We seek a State where Aboriginal rights are upheld, and all Aboriginal people can participate and equally experience positive social and economic opportunities.

Race Relations

We seek a State free of racism where relationships between all Australians are respectful of cultures, rights and experiences.

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We seek a State that values and recognises Aboriginal cultures and heritage as a proud part of a shared identity.

Historical Acceptance

We seek a State where the relationships between all Australians are based on an understanding and acceptance of the wrongs of the past and their impact.


Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP)

The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program is managed and overseen by the National peak body, Reconciliation Australia. RAPs enable organisations to sustainably and strategically take meaningful action to advance reconciliation.

Reconciliation SA can assist organisations to develop a RAP as a part of our fee for service program. 

Walk with Us

Support reconciliation by becoming an Individual Member or an organisation, business or Corporate Partner of Reconciliation SA

Your RAP Journey

Reconciliation SA is able to assist with the development, evaluation, and implementation of organisations RAPS. Whether you are starting out, ready to take the next step, or understand how to make a change we can provide advice and direction.  

Helpful Resources

The Impact of RAPs

Data is collected across Australia about the impacts RAPS are having. Knowing how RAPS have positive impacts is useful in understanding the role an organisation can make going forward. 

The RAP Framework

Find out all you need to know about the framework, the levels and more from Reconciliation Australia

Who Has a RAP

Find out who else in your area or sector has a RAP, you can engage with them, learn from them or see how others are going about their RAP journey

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