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Building Relationships. Building Respect.

Building respectful relationships between Aboriginal people and the wider Australian community.


Reconciliation Action Plans

Learn about what a Reconciliation Action Plan is, why they're important, and the RAP process.

What is a Reconciliation Action Plan?

The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program is managed and overseen by the National peak body, Reconciliation Australia. RAPs enable organisations to sustainably and strategically take meaningful action to advance reconciliation.

There are four levels of RAPs, Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and Elevate each aimed at allowing organisations to determine the level of commitment and capacity to deliver. 

Each level is designed to suit an organisation at different stages of the reconciliation journey.  

Visit the Reconciliation Australia website to learn more.

The RAP Journey

Step 01: Discuss

Discussing the benefits, opportunities, challenges and practically all form part of the decision making process.

Step 02: Engage

We engage across the organisation with all staff, face to face and through surveys to gather information. We seek your stakeholders feedback and we engage the community to provide recommendations. 

Step 03: Understand

Understanding the RAP process, aligning goals and aspirations, being realistic and purposeful are critical to steps in the RAP journey. 


RAP Support

Reconciliation SA can assist organisations to develop a RAP as a part of our fee for service program. 

We can guide your through the journey of discovery, engagement, understanding and development within the organisation. Our facilitated program can be tailored to the needs of the organisation and provide advice on what makes a good RAP and keys to successful application once approved.  

To learn more about Reconciliation, visit the link below.

The Impact of RAPs

Data is collected across Australia about the impacts RAPS are having. Knowing how RAPS have positive impacts is useful in understanding the role an organisation can make going forward. 

The RAP Framework

Find out all you need to know about the framework, the levels and more from Reconciliation Australia

Who Has a RAP

Find out who elses in your area or sector has a RAP, you can engage with them, learn from them or see how others are going about their RAP journey

Your RAP Journey

Reconciliation SA is able to assist with the development, evaluation, and implementation of organisations RAPS. Whether you are starting out, ready to take the next step, or understand how to make a change we can provide advice and direction.  

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