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Reconciliation Week is an annual event that holds a significant place in the hearts of Australians. Each year, from May 27 to June 3, we come together to reflect on our shared histories, cultures, and achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme for Reconciliation Week 2024, "Now More Than Ever," is a powerful call to action, urging us to intensify our efforts towards reconciliation.

The theme "Now More Than Ever" underscores the urgency and importance of reconciliation in the current socio-political climate. It highlights the need for a collective and sustained effort to address the historical and ongoing injustices faced by First Nations people. In a world where conversations about race, equality, and justice are at the forefront, this theme serves as a reminder that reconciliation is not just a goal but a continual journey that requires immediate and persistent action.

The National Reconciliation Week 2024 design and artwork represent the momentum of the theme Now More Than Ever. The chevron, a universal symbol for pointing the way, signifies advancing as one as we look towards a reconciled future; and the vibrant artwork of Gubbi Gubbi artist Maggie Douglas encourages connecting with one another, understanding and continuing to move forward.  

The 2024 theme design incorporating the artwork is by Carbon Creative.


Reconciliation Week begins on May 27, the anniversary of the 1967 referendum, which saw more than 90% of Australians vote to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the census and allow the federal government to make laws for them. It ends on June 3, Mabo Day, which commemorates the landmark decision in 1992 that legally recognized the land rights of the Meriam people, traditional owners of the Murray Islands in the Torres Strait.

These dates are not just historical markers but milestones that remind us of the progress made and the distance still to go. They prompt us to reflect on the resilience, strength, and contributions of First Nations peoples and the ongoing need for justice and equality.

"Now More Than Ever" highlights the pressing need to address the inequalities and injustices that persist. Recent events have shown that racism, discrimination, and systemic inequities are still prevalent in various sectors, including education, healthcare, and the justice system. Reconciliation is about recognizing these issues, understanding their roots, and working collaboratively to dismantle them.

Education plays a crucial role in this process. By learning about First Nations cultures, histories, and perspectives, we can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of their rich heritage. This knowledge empowers us to challenge stereotypes, combat racism, and promote a more inclusive society.

Reconciliation is not just the responsibility of governments or organizations; it is a collective effort that involves every one of us. Here are some ways you can contribute to reconciliation:

  1. Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the histories and cultures of First Nations peoples. Share this knowledge with your friends, family, and community to promote understanding and respect.
  2. Support First Nations Businesses and Initiatives: Buy from Indigenous-owned businesses, support First Nations artists, and engage with initiatives that uplift and empower Indigenous communities.
  3. Participate in Reconciliation Week Events: Attend local events, workshops, and discussions during Reconciliation Week to show your support and learn more about how you can contribute to reconciliation.
  4. Advocate for Change: Use your voice to advocate for policies and practices that promote equality and justice for First Nations peoples. This can include supporting land rights, treaty processes, and measures to address systemic racism.
  5. Reflect and Act: Take time to reflect on your own attitudes and behaviors. Challenge any biases you may hold and take action to create a more inclusive and respectful environment in your personal and professional life.

Reconciliation Week 2024, with its theme "Now More Than Ever," is a powerful reminder of the ongoing journey towards a just and equitable Australia. It calls on each of us to take immediate and sustained action to address the injustices faced by First Nations peoples and to work towards a future where all Australians can thrive together. Now, more than ever, it is time to stand up, speak out, and be part of the change.

Learn more here:


Post by Team Writer
Jul 29, 2024 8:17:35 AM
