In the world of sports, where teamwork and fair play are celebrated, racism remains a persistent issue. Recognising this, a new anti-racism program is being tailored specifically for sporting organisations, drawing from successful corporate workplace training.
This innovative program aims to address racism in sports by customizing content to suit various sporting codes. It builds on an existing framework used in corporate settings but adapts the material to resonate with athletes, coaches, and sports administrators. The program is set to be delivered across South Australia, with strong support from Sport SA, which will facilitate connections with diverse sporting organisations.
The program spans five hours, divided into two sessions. The first session, "Kuru Wiya" lasts three hours and focuses on acknowledging the existence of racism, a concept encapsulated by its translation, "can't see or not looking." Two weeks later, participants reconvene for the second session, “Kuru Palya," meaning "good eyes," which emphasizes recognizing and embracing the reality of racism. This session aims to shift perspectives and encourage proactive behaviour change against racial bias.
The First Nations language name of the program, comes from the Wirangu/Kokatha language, whom the programs creator, Shaun Childs, proudly descends from.
Pre- and post-program surveys are conducted to measure changes in attitudes and behaviours, providing valuable data on the program's impact.
The pilot program received positive feedback, with participants offering constructive suggestions. This feedback has been instrumental in refining the program, and several organisations that participated in the pilot are eager to implement the training within their teams.
The program sees participants openly acknowledge their biases and commit to change, which can be profoundly rewarding. These moments of realization underscore the importance of such programs in transforming mindsets and fostering inclusivity.
While the program is focused on sports, it is also available to various industries, including state governments and non-profits. The flexibility to tailor the training to specific organizational needs ensures its relevance and effectiveness across different sectors.
This initiative represents a significant step towards eradicating racism in sports, creating a more inclusive and respectful environment for all participants.
For those interested in implementing this program, can contact Reconciliation SA’s Anti-Racism Consultant, Shaun Childs as or through the office at
Shaun presenting a program
Sep 3, 2024 8:21:36 AM